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Изучение хитинолитического комплекса Vibrio cholerae O139

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dc.contributor.author Мишанькин, Б.Н.
dc.contributor.author Шиманюк, Н.Я.
dc.contributor.author Водопьянов, С.О.
dc.contributor.author Водопьянов, А.С.
dc.contributor.author Дуванова, О.В.
dc.date.accessioned 2011-09-05T06:14:05Z
dc.date.available 2011-09-05T06:14:05Z
dc.date.issued 2006
dc.identifier.citation Современные перспективы в исследовании хитина и хитозана: Материалы Восьмой Международной конференции. - М.: Изд-во ВНИРО, 2006. - 303-305 с./Modern Perspectives in Chitin and Chitosan Studies: Proceedings of the Eigth International Conference. - M.: VNIRO Publishing, 2006. - 303-305 p. ru_RU
dc.identifier.isbn 5-85382-228-4
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2494
dc.description.abstract Согласно данным литературы (Бабенко А.Ю. и др., 1999, 2000), хитинолитические комплексы Vibrio sp.X по типу действия на субстрат включают экзо- и эндохитиназы, что повышает суммарную активность препаратов вследствие увеличения числа концевых групп из-за фрагментации хитина. Возможно, спонтанная утрата в нашем случае нескольких хитиназ обуславливает компенсаторное усиление экспрессии генов оставшихся, что способствует выживанию вибрионов в конкретных экологических условиях./Chitinase complex enzymatic activity of 18 strains of Vibrio cholerae O139 isolated from clinical and environmental sources was studied. All the strains were capable of growing on syntertic media with ground chitin without any other nitrogen source, specific chitinase activity being 10-600 mcg N- acetyl-D-glucosamine/ mg of protein. Six chitinase genes were identified and localized using the computer analysis of the available genome sequences from Vibrio cholerae eltor (Heidelberg et al., 2001). For their testing with the help of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) specific primers were designed. It was found that all the clinical strains as rule contained genes of six enzymes, although strains isolated from water lost half of them including well-studied gene VC 1952 (ChiA, mol. weight - 88.7 kDa). However water strains of vibrios non the less expressed their chitinolytic activity at a high level apparently at the expense of compressed their chitinolytic activity at a high level apparently at the expense of compensatory action of others gene. ru_RU
dc.language.iso other ru_RU
dc.publisher Изд-во ВНИРО/VNIRO Publishing ru_RU
dc.subject Хитин/Chitin ru_RU
dc.subject Vibrio cholerae O139 ru_RU
dc.subject Химия/Chemistry ru_RU
dc.subject Температура/Temperature ru_RU
dc.subject рН ru_RU
dc.subject Эффективность/Efficiency ru_RU
dc.title Изучение хитинолитического комплекса Vibrio cholerae O139 ru_RU
dc.title.alternative The investigation of the Vibrio cholerae O139 chitinolytic complex ru_RU
dc.type Technical Report ru_RU

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