Библиотека ВНИРО

Evaluation of Northeast Arctic Cod Stock Harvest Rates Corresponding to Different Management Objectives

DSpace/Manakin репозиторий

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dc.contributor.author Kovalev, Yu.A.
dc.contributor.author Kleptsova, N.S.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-07-30T09:06:34Z
dc.date.available 2020-07-30T09:06:34Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.identifier.citation Modern aspects of quantitative analysis of the fishing raw material base: VNIRO proceedings. - M.: VNIRO Publishing, 2014. - V. 151. P. 184-191 ru_RU
dc.identifier.isbn 978-5-85382-430-0
dc.identifier.issn 2307-3497
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.vniro.ru/handle/123456789/7309
dc.description.abstract A model of population and fisheries dynamics for the Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua morhua) in the Barents Sea was developed. The model based assessments include: maximum sustainable yield (655,000 t) and corresponding fisheries mortality level (F) (0.48); maximum mean annual profit of cod fisheries (13.7 bln RUR) with F = 0.23; fisheries mortality level correspoding to maximum employment in fisheries F = 0.85. The existing cod exploitation level based on 0.4 target mortality level promotes for achieving the objectives to maximize catch and profit. ru_RU
dc.language.iso other ru_RU
dc.publisher VNIRO Publishing ru_RU
dc.subject Cod ru_RU
dc.subject Stocks ru_RU
dc.subject Management ru_RU
dc.subject Modeling ru_RU
dc.subject Calculations ru_RU
dc.subject Biomass ru_RU
dc.title Evaluation of Northeast Arctic Cod Stock Harvest Rates Corresponding to Different Management Objectives ru_RU
dc.type Article ru_RU

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