Разработанный нами метод получения и лабораторного испытания коптильной жидкости в основе дает технологическую оценку совершающимся процессам без строгого определения химизма протекающих при этом реакций. В процессе работы были получены удовлетворительные по качеству образцы коптильных жидкостей, подвергнутые лабораторному испытанию на рыбных объектах. Наилучшие коптильные свойства показал образец коптильной жидкости, полученной из древесины дуба, как и аналогичный немецкий образец жидкости./ The air-dried wood was subjected to a dry distillation in a horizontal retort up to 24 hours; the final temperature of the distillated mass was about 400 degrees C. The raw tar water (wood vinegar) obtained after distillation was poured into wooden settling tanks where it was partly freed of the tar that settled durring three days. The settled tar water was poured into a rectifying still heated by means of steam at atmospheric pressure. The remaining acid condensate was neutralized with bicarbonate of sodium (NaHCO3)exactly in proportion with the quantity of the condensate. The tar that rose to the surface was skimmed off. The neutralized condensate thus obtained was subjected to purification by heating in a purifying apparatus (heated by means of steam at atmospheric pressure) during 8-10 hours at a temperature from 80-85 degrees C; an air current was simultaneously blown through the condensate. After the purification of the neutralized condensate the liquid for the smoking for the smoking was obtained. The amount of smoking liquid obtained is from 20-25% (by weight) of the air dried wood.