В настоящем сборнике рассмотрены перспективы развития морского садкового рыбоводства в СССР (О.Д. Романычева, Н.Е. Сальников, Е.Я. Римш, М.Л. Кангур и др.), обобщен опыт морского товарного лососеводства за рубежом (Э.Е. Шевцова и В.С. Чуксин). В сборнике освещены технические вопросы аквакультуры, в частности проблема защиты от штормовых волн акваторий, используемых для размещения рыбных садков (Р.Ф. Коган и О.Д. Романычева)./There are vast coastal shallow areas in the U.S.S.R. waters where conditions are very favourable for pen-culture. All the involvements in the basins of the Black, Caspian and Far East Seas are still made on a research basis. Attempts are made to cultivate rainbow trout, steelhead and bester in cages and tanks. Edible molluscs and algae are mainly cultivated and reared in the seas of the Far East. The reproduction of salmon is also imlemented there. Edible molluscs are cultivated in the Black Sea. The Caspian Sea basin is known for culture of sturgeon and semi-anadromous species of fish, so the objectives are to expand areas suitable for pen-culture and scope of rearing as well as to find new species for cultivaiton in the nearest future.