Лучевые нагрузки на внутренние органы рыб от скелета могут по крайней мере более чем на порядок превышать дозы за счет радионуклидов, содержащихся в самом органе. Отсюда ясно преимущество использования термолюминесцентных дозиметров./The use of the TLD's using powder for evaluation of organ and tissue burderns of fish is very promising. The doses of radiation varied from 0.02 to 0.75 rad per day in each inside organ of goldfish. Radionuclides from the skeleton play an important role in formation of a burden in individual organs of the abdominal cavity. The peripheral parts of the inside organs of fish adjoining bony tissues may be exposed to radion burdens which exceed the dose by one order of magnitude on the account of radionuclides incorporated in the organ itself.