Исследовано содержимое желудков 814 экземпляров креветки Crangon crangon L, собранных в Кандалакшском заливе (Белое море) в июле и сентябре 2004 г. В желудках наряду с песчинками, детритом и растительными остатками, были обнаружены малоподвижные представители мейо- и микробентоса (харпактициды, свободноживущие нематоды, личинки хирономид, полихеты, спат и сеголетки двустворчатых, брюхоногие моллюски, различные ракообразные с преобладанием амфипод, и др. гидробионты), а также остатки мертвых животных, в том числе клещей и насекомых, смываемых с берега./Gut content was analyzed in 814 specimens of common sand shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) in the Kandalaksha Bay (White Sea) in July and September, 2004. The following items have been recorded: sand particles, detritus, plant remains, unidentified animal remains and animal remains which are identifiable at least to phylum (e.g. Nemertini). Sand particles were peresent in nearly all examined guts and are supposed to form a quasi gastric mill because the real gastric mill is lacking in Crangon. Plant material was in 42.7% of studied guts but usually comprised less than 10% of the food lump. Most of gut content indicate predominately predatory habit of Crangon crangon. Harpacticoids and polychaets were most common prey items with frequency of occurrence 46.5 and 31.8 per cent respectively. They were followed by bivalves and nematodes (27.7 and 23.8 per cent respectively).